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initial soil中文是什么意思

用"initial soil"造句"initial soil"怎么读"initial soil" in a sentence


  • 原始土壤


  • The influence of initial soil conditions on water penetration and soil moisture distribution
  • The wetting front moved nearly parallel to the soil surface , and its length could be described by a power function of time , when the distribution of initial soil water was uniform
  • By the experiments , some main factors influenced watering effect were analyzed . the results show that watering volume , initial soil water content , and width of water ditch influenced the watering effect differently
  • The results indicated that even if there was different at initial soil condition , such as initial moisture content and initial salt content , salt content in soil profile and sar at top soil increased greatly after the high salinity water infiltrated
  • The results showed that the lower initial soil moisture content was , the less infiltration occurred and wetting front moved slowly , and soil salt were leached more efficiently . at the same time , salt reduced in the top soil and salt accumulated at the wetting front
  • When the saline water ( < 3g / l ) infiltrated to 45cm , the top soil of 0 - 37cm was desalinized , when the saline water of 3g / l infiltrated , the desalinized depth was 0 - 15cm . moreover , sar of top soil increased with the sar of the infiltration water . 3 . through lab experiment , the characteristics of soil water and salt movement under different initial soil moisture content were analyzed
    当湿润深度为45cm时,小于3g l的微咸水入渗后, 0 - 37cm土层处于脱盐状态,而3g l的微咸水入渗, 0 - 15cm土层处于脱盐状态, 15cm - 35cm土层含盐量基本等于初始含盐量,但湿润锋处含盐量很高。
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